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Home / Departments / Services / Assignment Office

Assignment Office

Office Description

The Assignment Office is responsible for the assignment of all criminal, traffic and civil cases to the judiciary, by random or single assignment and for the assignment of all Small Claims cases to a magistrate per Ohio Rules of Superintendence and the Franklin County Municipal Court’s Local Rules.

The Office is responsible for the case flow, cases management, and support on all assigned cases for the fifteen (15) judges and for the seven (7) magistrates of the General and Environmental Divisions of the Court. Assignment oversees cases from the point of assignment through case termination, and any post-judgment or post-sentence case management.  The Assignment Commissioner manages cases heard by appointment by the Supreme Court of Ohio under the Judicial Assignment Program from the time of appointment through the termination of the case(s) and any subsequent post-sentence or post-judgment hearings. The Office prepares the judicial monthly statistical information as required by the Supreme Court of Ohio. The Assignment Commissioner then verifies and compiles all reports, forwards the reports to each judge for review, and submits the prepared documents to the Supreme Court of Ohio. The Assignment Office processes new Attorney Registration forms for the Case Management System and any subsequent changes that need to be made, such as an address change or name change.

Contact Information

Phone: (614) 645-8346
Fax: (614) 645-8004


375 S. High St., 9th Fl.
Columbus, OH 43215

 Courtroom Assignments


What if I did not receive a hearing notice?

Hearing notices are sent by regular mail to the last known address provided to the Court within 7 to 14 days of the hearing date. Verify that the most current address is on file in the case on the Clerk’s Office Record Search. If you are an attorney, update your information by completing the Attorney Registration Form and email, fax, or hand-deliver to the Assignment Office. If you are a party in the case, file a Change of Address Form and file it with the Clerk of Court. 

What if I have a conflict with my scheduled court date?

Please Refer to Local Rule 11.03, Small Claims Practice, or Local Rules 3.04 and 3.06, Motion Practice and Request for Continuance. The Small Claims Continuance Request or the Continuance Request must be filed with the Clerk of Courts and submitted to the assigned judge or magistrate per local rules.

How do I consolidate a case?

After your case is scheduled or you have received your hearing notice from the court, if single case assignment needs corrected, please contact the Assignment Office at (614) 645-8346. Per Local Rule 8.01, Single Assignment to Judges, if a defendant has an active case before an assigned judge or has active probation or a case in order-in status on an assigned case, the newly assigned case shall be assigned to the judge to whom the pending case with the oldest case number has been assigned. Please do not contact the Assignment Office until a hearing date has been scheduled before an assigned judge. If you are representing multiple defendants on the same incident, see Local Rule 3.05, Joinder and separation of cases. Please submitted any motions to the Clerk’s Office.